Dear Lord,
Lord As times goes by my heart is more thankful each day that I have you guiding me and showing me the way that path you have set before my feet.
My daily prayer Lord is that you will make my life a witness to those that I meet each day and that my light would shine that anyone would know your
love is living within me. Lord when I fail you help me to see it and to correct it and go on about sharing your love and Mercy with others around me that
I might be just one step for someone toward a loving relationship with you. Lord you offer so much to each of us when we turn our lives over to you and
become firm believers in you and when we accept that there is no way to Heaven but through Jesus {Yahweh } there are no works that we can do that
will get us to Heaven. We must repent and turn from our wicked ways. Jesus { Yahweh } said I am the way, the truth and the life no man cometh to the
Father but by me. We have to first accept that we are sinners and call on his name and then he will hear us from Heaven. It may sound like a lot of non
sense to someone who is not yet ready but my friends do you really want to risk that what I am saying is accurate and you have ignored it and end up
facing Eternal damnation or Do you want to think about it and accept that what I am saying is fact and face eternal happiness with Jesus { Yahweh }
in Heave. God will not force you to make the decision to serve him because it must be free will. Just know this my friend everything you do on earth is
a step toward your final resting place will we do what is right in the Eyes of the Lord or will we do what is wrong and unrighteous in the eyes of the
Lord. Once again my dear friends. I wil remind you that the works you do on this earth will not get you to Heaven anymore than someone sitting on a
chair debating what the next move in their life should be. God is great and mighty and he is standing at the door of your Heart knocking and waiting for
your answer. He will lightly knock and patiently wait for you to open the door and say come on in. My friend when the time comes I just want you to
know that the things I am writing here is only because I care so deeply for you and your eternal well being and want to meet you in Heaven with that
day comes. all you have to do is simply say Lord Jesus { Yahweh } please come into my heart and free me of all unrighteroudness. I believe you died
on that cross for me that I might have eternal life with you and Lord I believe that Jesus is alive and well and I want to have a personal relatioship with
you because I love you and thank your for all that you have done. I ask it, Pray it, and claim it in the precious and most Holy name of { Yahweh }
I might be just one step for someone toward a loving relationship with you. Lord you offer so much to each of us when we turn our lives over to you and
become firm believers in you and when we accept that there is no way to Heaven but through Jesus {Yahweh } there are no works that we can do that
will get us to Heaven. We must repent and turn from our wicked ways. Jesus { Yahweh } said I am the way, the truth and the life no man cometh to the
Father but by me. We have to first accept that we are sinners and call on his name and then he will hear us from Heaven. It may sound like a lot of non
sense to someone who is not yet ready but my friends do you really want to risk that what I am saying is accurate and you have ignored it and end up
facing Eternal damnation or Do you want to think about it and accept that what I am saying is fact and face eternal happiness with Jesus { Yahweh }
in Heave. God will not force you to make the decision to serve him because it must be free will. Just know this my friend everything you do on earth is
a step toward your final resting place will we do what is right in the Eyes of the Lord or will we do what is wrong and unrighteous in the eyes of the
Lord. Once again my dear friends. I wil remind you that the works you do on this earth will not get you to Heaven anymore than someone sitting on a
chair debating what the next move in their life should be. God is great and mighty and he is standing at the door of your Heart knocking and waiting for
your answer. He will lightly knock and patiently wait for you to open the door and say come on in. My friend when the time comes I just want you to
know that the things I am writing here is only because I care so deeply for you and your eternal well being and want to meet you in Heaven with that
day comes. all you have to do is simply say Lord Jesus { Yahweh } please come into my heart and free me of all unrighteroudness. I believe you died
on that cross for me that I might have eternal life with you and Lord I believe that Jesus is alive and well and I want to have a personal relatioship with
you because I love you and thank your for all that you have done. I ask it, Pray it, and claim it in the precious and most Holy name of { Yahweh }
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