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Standing by the Ocean my mind wanders back to the days of Moses.
Leading the children out of the land of Egypt. How they were led to the
Red Sea with no way of turning back and no way to Cross so it seemed.
Then By the Mighty Hand of God the sea was parted and the children
safely crossed. Then God closed the sea on top of the Egyptian Army.
To save the children from the clutches of the enemy. So next time
you look across the Ocean just remember it may be big and wide.
The depth of Love though is so great that we could never imagine.
God never leaves His children standing alone at the Ocean with
no way to Cross a Stormy sea in Life. He is always with us and
will never leave nor forsake us. This is His Promise just as
Moses led the Children of Israel out of Egypt by the Mighty
Hand of God so He will use us to lead those who are in
bondage out of their stormy situations with words of
Love and Comfort. It just takes our obedience to the
call of His voice and the Power of His love that we may
know that when He speaks to move we are trusting fully
In His Power and Love for His children. Take some time
to go Stand by the Ocean and remember the Amazing Love
God has for His children and how great His Hand is.
To stretch out and meet our very need.How thankful
I am to live next to the Ocean here in Florida that
We can  observe His Love and recall the many
things God has done for us.
How deep His love flows..
God Blessings and if you don't know
Father God today it is simply a prayer
from your lips to His ears!
He is only waiting on you to open your Heart.


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