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A Lesson from God Day 2

When we are raised in Christ we become servants to His word and are to love all people no matter what their standing in Society maybe. It is easy to love those that love us but when we are asked to love those who would wish us harm ir the hardest to do. Yet out of our love for Christ and because Christ gave His life for ours and has forgiven us so much and continues to give us every chance to accept, and worship Him as Lord of our lives. Christ has freely given us Hope in love and we are to give others that same love. We however must have a changed heart to be able to freely forgive those who have hurt us and we must ask God to Bless them even if they don’t come asking for forgiveness. Holding on to the pain of things long done will never get us where we need to be but letting go and allowing God to work within you makes those trials of the past less painful. Give to God daily what belongs to Him – Your time and allow Him to speak to you through His Holy Spirit and the Amazement of what you can learn is outstanding. God has many things to teach us. He is waiting for us to open the doors of our hearts to Him completely. Stop holding back from God because He already knows the very things you’re trying to hide. Allow yourself to become vulnerable to God and as you do you will see your heart accept things you would not have imagined. You will find that peace that surpasses all understanding and Thanksgiving build in your heart. Start giving God the praise for the things He has done and stop complaining about the things He has not yet done. God never promised us we would get everything we want in life He promised us He would always be there even during our darkest hours. Our needs met and the desires of our hearts granted but He will not give us things that will or could be harmful to us and our walk with Him. God is our Lifeline to Heaven and our Present help in times of need. All we are required to do is call on His Name. Blessings with much love from the Father and myself. God Bless 


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