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As I was sitting here thinking about our precious Jesus the most important thing that came to mind is that no matter what happens we are all Son’s and Daughter’s of the Most High God. It struck me that no matter how many times one has failed Him before coming to know Him as their Lord and Savior He has continued to Love us and hold us close to Him because He does not just see His creation but sees Son’s and Daughter’s that need their Father to put them on the right path. We are simply human and not without faults however our Father which is in Heaven loves us and will deal with us with Love. Sometimes it will not feel very loving because some people must hit so low in their lives before they can understand and make a come back to Him. There is a Song I enjoy listening to that says The one whose forgiven the greatest loves the most.  So while some take time to come to Jesus once we do we are all known Son’s and Daughter’s without failure and without question. It is simply a matter of people coming to a place in their lives where they can finally acknowledge they can do nothing without Jesus at the head of their lives. Recently God Blessed me in a very special way and allowed me to begin to use my talent in a new way which left me feeling not only more in Love with Jesus and wanting more personal time with Him but left me so much more hungry for as much time with Him as we could have.. It left me as putty in my Heavenly Fathers hands and telling Him thank you for allowing me to call Him Daddy. It is time to start finding that place in our life where we just spend that time with our Father and find that special resting place in His arms when trials rise that we can just give it over to Him and not allow worry or stress to affect our lives. God will take it all if we just give it over to Him. God Bless you my brothers and sisters in Christ and remember Jesus and I both love you but Jesus will always love you more than any man, woman, or child because He is our Heavenly Father…. And His Love is deeper than the Ocean and Wider than the Sea.



  1. God bless you too my sister in Christ. You are such a blessing. Keep blessing others.

    1. Thank you my brother and as the Holy Spirit leads I will surely be writing. God Bless


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