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Consider The Things You Love

I continue to be impressed at the lengths that people will go to save money on purchasing the gifts they love during the Christmas season. Black Friday is a perfect example. People will camp out in lines, sometimes for an entire night, just to secure the closest spot to the door. Others will wake incredibly early. Come morning, the mad rush begins as people run to get to the big deals.

Though I cannot speak from experience, I have read articles of people literally being trampled over by crowds to the point of needing medical attention. Other articles describe crazed shoppers who have ended up in verbal or physical fights that have led to arrest and imprisonment.

These shoppers show no shame. They are there to get a deal and they are proud of it. They are not hiding in their tents afraid of being seen by the world. Put them on the news and they beam. That’s devotion.

Which gets me wondering how crazy am I about the things I say I love? Will I lose sleep for them? Will I wait for them? Will I run to them? Will I speak up for them? Will I fight for them? Am I willing to lose face for them? Would I be willing to be imprisoned for them? Much to consider, especially when I say I love Jesus.

As Christmas draws near, I challenge you to consider those things you love, the people you love, and the lengths you go to for them.

Also, consider Jesus. He went through great lengths to save you because He loves you. He is devoted to you.

What and who are you devoted to? That’s what matters most.

Romans 8:38-39
For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.


  1. Amen. All glory and honor to Jesus Christ! :)

  2. Thank you Vince for your comment. I hope I am doing this okay.


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